From time to time questions arise about the impact of wind energy projects on the surrounding land value. In response, we have some resources to share that provide insights on the topic of wind energy and property values. The fact is numerous studies have confirmed that wind power developments have little impact on long-term property values.
The most comprehensive study on wind farms and property values to-date was conducted by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. The study analyzed more than 50,000 home sales near 67 wind facilities across nine U.S. states over ten years and found no statistical evidence that operating wind farms have had any measurable impacts on home sale prices. In fact, according to the lead author of the report: “This is the second of two major studies we have conducted on this topic, and in both studies, we find no statistical evidence that operating wind farms have had any measurable impacts on home sale prices.”
Another interesting study published this year of randomly drawn individuals living within five miles of a U.S. wind project found that overall these people had a positive attitude toward the nearby turbines, with only eight per cent of the population having negative to very negative attitudes. Wind energy provides new jobs and contributes to local economic development. In most provinces, municipalities with wind energy projects also receive property taxes from wind facilities, which supports local schools, roads and public services. Landowners that host wind turbines benefit from stable income through land lease agreements.
Director of Media and Communications at the Canadian Wind Energy Association.
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