Calgary, Alberta – February 20, 2023 – Recover Inc. (“Recover”) operates a facility which recovers and recycles oil based drilling fluid.
Recover’s facility cleans unstabilized oil-based drilling waste, thereby reducing the need for stabilization materials at the waste generators drill site. The reduction of biogenic stabilization materials significantly reduces the amount of waste transported and disposed in a landfill, meaning fewer truck loads and lower disposal costs for the operator. Based on a typical well profile in the west-central Alberta, recycling this waste stream with Recover results in improved operational efficiencies, costs savings averaging $10,000 per well, and a reduction of approximately 510 metric tonnes of CO2e per well (source: Life Cycle Associates, LLC.).
Recover helps operators by recycling oil-based drilling waste, by reducing disposal costs and by incorporating more environmentally sustainable methods of disposal. Recover would be pleased to provide your drilling and environmental group with a transportation and tipping quote to the facility. For more information, please contact Brian Coston by phone at (403) 607-6434 or by email at