How the Major Players Have Performed in the First Half of 2018! – XI Technologies

Let’s celebrate drilling and development successes in the first half of 2018!

Have you heard some of the good stuff that’s happening in the world of drilling in the WCSB? Likely not. Many of us in the industry scan headlines and keep up as best we can, relying on word of mouth or glances at elevator news screens to give us the news. But while much of the broader media coverage focuses on the many challenges our industry is facing, sometimes it’s good to remember that there are some real successes happening across the WCSB.

At XI we possess unequalled amounts of continually updated drilling data. Most of the time, we’re busy working on new ways to allow you to slice and dice it, analyze it, pull what matters, and fit it all seamlessly into your workflows. But every six months or so, we like to take a few moments to scour our own data and prepare a series of “Top Ten” lists that reflect on the recent drilling and production accomplishments derived through the ingenuity, innovation, and determination of Canadian E&P operators.

In our 

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